Adalah |
- Founded November 1996
- Describes itself as "an independent human rights organization, registered in Israel...non partisan legal center."
- Engages regularly in international advocacy, particularly at the United Commission of Human Rights and the EU.
- The organization represents the Arab Knesset Member Azmi Bishara
- Regularly submits reports to the Israeli Supreme Court
- Funded by the New Israel Fund
Adalah and the Impact of Legal NGOs (Vol. 2, No.3)
Al-Haq |
- Founded in 1979 and one of oldest Palestinian NGOs
- "A Palestinian human rights organization located in Ramallah, West Bank, an affiliate of The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) - Geneva and is in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations."
- Goals: "...protecting and promoting human rights and respect for the rule of law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories....the uniform application of universal principles of human rights regardless of the identity of the perpetrator or victim of and human rights research based on international and humanitarian law, as well as on human rights principles and standards"
- Publishes quarterly newsletter that has engaged in frequent distortions of international law
- Regularly submits politically motivated reports to UNHCR and active participant in the World Conference against Racism held at Durban in 2001 See Al-Haq publication>
- Website irregularly updated and often out of date
Relevant Articles:
Palestinian Affiliates of the ICJ (Vol. 1, No.6)
Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights |
- Located in Jabalia Refugee Camp, Gaza Strip
- Mission: "To protect, respect and promote the internationally accepted standards of human rights, especially economic, social and cultural rights and to encourage the adoption of Palestinian laws in harmony with these international standards, To promote the democracy building process, seperation between the authorities, the rule of law, transperancy, accountability and the role of NGO’s in the Palestinian society."
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Ford Foundation, International Commission of Jurists Swedish (ICJ), UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Netherlands Representative Office, International Human Rights Funders Group/co Mertz Gilmore Foundation, Kerkinactie/ Global Ministries
- Received a grant of $100,000 from the Ford Foundation
Relevant Articles:
Congressional Investigation against Ford
Alternatives |
- Montreal-based organization
- “meets the needs and responds to the demands of progressive Canadians, and tries to create a more equitable and sustainable world for all”
- won partial funding from the Canadian International Development Agency through its NGO Project Facility
- Engages in a wide variety of highly unbalanced and politicized activities both within Canada and abroad. Outside Canada, the NGO has partnerships and funded projects, including projects based in the Palestinian Territories
- Domestic advocacy is unceasingly critical of Israel even as it downplays Palestinian human rights abuses and ignores Palestinian terrorism
- Bias is apparent. The group’s website lists activities under the heading ‘Palestine,’ and in fact Alternatives funds no activities wholly within the pre-1967 Israeli border. Among the organization’s projects are the Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights and the Palestinian NGO Network
- Alternatives’ political agenda masquerading under the rhetoric of ‘equal rights’ is symptomatic of the contradiction apparent in so many non-governmental organizations around the world.
Relevant Articles:
Analysis of Canadian NGO - Alternatives (Vol. 2, No.6)
Amnesty International |
- Founded 1968 'to provide emergency relief and projects that would establish a foundation for social and economical growth'
- 'Projects throughout the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon, and Jordan working with local institutions, such as schools, universities, health facilities, cooperatives, municipalities, grassroots committees, and charitable associations'
- Provide education scholarships and specialized postgraduate training
- 'ANERA is a registered 501(c)3 non-governmental organization and a founding member of InterAction, a coalition of over 160 US-based non-profits working to promote worldwide development. We also are registered with Global Impact, a group of 32 distinguished American charitable agencies working throughout the developing world.'
- Funded by 23,000 private donors, in the US and abroad, and grants
Relevant Articles:
EU Funds for NGOs Misused (Vol. 2, No.1)
Amnesty International |
- Founded 1961 in London
- "A worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights."
- " AI is independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion. It does not support or oppose any government or political system"
- Major policy decisions are taken by an International Council made up of representatives from all national sections
- During the financial year 1 April 2002 to 31 March 2003 the international budget adopted by Amnesty International was £23,728,000 (including contingency
Relevant Articles:
Amnesty's Latest Report Grossly Unbalanced (Vol. 2, No.1)
Amnesty in the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Vol. 1, No.4)
Amnesty calls for Washington to review US arms transfers to Israel (Vol. 1, No.6)
AI and HRW criticize UN Commission on Human Rights for growing politicization (Vol. 1, No.7)
Arab Association of Human Rights - HRA |
- Founded 1988
- Based in Nazareth, Israel
- " promote and protect the political, civil, economic, and cultural rights of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel and to further the domestic implementation of international human rights principles works on the community, national and international levels for equality and non-discrimination, and for the domestic implementation of international minority rights protections..."
- Has an UN/EU Advocacy Project to raise awareness in EU and UN of "discrimination faced by Palestinians living in Israel."
- HRA is a member of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN)
- Receives funding from the EU and Ford Foundation
Relevant Articles:
Police Discrimination against Arab Students? (Vol. 1, No.1)
Ard el Atfal and Ard el Insan |
- Partners organizations of Terre des Hommes working in the Jenin district with UNWRA
- Gaza Based, is conducting major nutrition projects
- 12 employees including two part- time doctors, one for the Rafah center and another for the Gaza main center have been recruited and trained
- Also receives funding from American Near East Refuge Aid
Relevant Articles:
Police Discrimination against Arab Students? (Vol. 2, No.1)
Betselem |
- Israeli NGO founded "to change Israeli policy in the Occupied Territories"
- Prolific producer of reports from the West Bank and Gaza Strip that are regularly used by international NGOs such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch as well as a number of Palestinian NGOs
- Despite its self-declared political aims to change policy, it receives considerable international funding, mainly from European governments
- Recepient of Ford Foundation funding
Relevant Articles:
Betselem: The Ambiguous Boundary (Vol.2, No.2)
Caritas |
- Website:
- Founded: 1987
- Caritas Internationalis defines itself “as a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organizations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, in over 200 countries and territories.”
- Cartias receives funding via “the annual contributions of the Member Organisations, and by registration fees for each session of the General Assembly,” and by “contributions and gifts.”
- Caritas pledges to “steward those resources entrusted to us in an efficient and effective manner, being aware that we have an obligation to behave at all times in a transparent and accountable way - to the poor, the Church and to one another.”
- However, a recent poster graphically attacking the Israeli security fence featured Cartias’ Vatican headquarters address – and listed the endorsement of 151 of its international branches.
- According to the Simon Weisenthal Center, “The production and distribution of such political material may place Caritas in violation of its charitable tax status on donations made in North America, Western Europe and Australasia."
- The Simon Weisenthal Center also noted that the “poster undoubtedly exacerbates Middle East-related antisemitism, justifies further terror attacks on Jewish targets under the sanctification cover of the Holy See and impugns Caritas' credibility as an effective relief and unbiased relief agency.”
Christian Aid (UK) |
- Founded in the 1950s
- Goals: "To further charitable purposes, which relieve or combat malnutrition, hunger, disease, sickness or distress throughout the world. To further charitable purposes which advance or assist such other charitable work as may be carried on by or with the support or approval of the British Council of Churches."
- Distributes some $80 million annually to projects in 60 of the world's poorest countries
- 20% of funding from governmental organizations, the rest from the general public through fundraising appeals and legacies as well as Dutch and Norweigan church groups.
Relevant Articles:
Christian Aid Produces Inaccurate Film (Vol. 2, No.3)
Christian Aid Compromised by Anti-Israel Ideology (Vol. 1, No.7)
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) |
- Founded at the Barcelona Conference of November 1995, attended by 27 foreign ministers.
- "A network of human rights organizations whose principle task is to facilitate the work of its over fifty members, based in more than twenty countries."
- Goals: "to support and publicise the universal principles of human rights as expressed in the Barcelona Declaration, to strengthen, assist and co-ordinate the efforts of its members to monitor the Partner States' compliance with the human rights principles in the Barcelona Declaration, to support the development of democratic institutions, promote the rule of law, human rights and human rights education, and to strengthen civil society in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
- 80% of funding comes from the EU
Relevant Articles:
Human Rights Groups Distort Israeli Policy (Vol. 1, No.9)
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (Vol. 1, No.8)
Ford Foundation |
- The Ford Foundation is both an NGO in its own right and a major source of funding for thousands of other NGOs around the world.
- Donated more than $193 million paid in grants to more than 350 organizations over the past few decades
- Mission: to “reduce poverty and injustice, strengthen democratic values, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement.”
- The foundation's income is derived solely from investments in international securities and does not accept contributions from any other source. As of January 1, 2000, the Foundation had assets valued at $13 billion and a grant budget of close to $500 million per year.
Relevant Articles:
Ford - NIF Partnership (Vol. 2, No.3)
Ford Foundation Analysis (Vol. 1, No.10)
Galilee Society (GS) |
- Founded in 1981 by four health care professionals, it is now the largest Arab NGO operating in Israel.
- "A Palestinian Arab non-partisan, community-wide, non-governmental organization (NGO)"
- Goals: "The GS is committed to the achievement of equitable health, environmental, and socio-economic conditions and development opportunities for Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel...the GS fosters and maintains alliances with local, regional, and international bodies from citizens' groups, municipal and local councils, professional associations, and the National Committee of Arab Mayors to the World Health Organization and UNESCO"
- Funding: Israeli ministries of Health, Science and Energy, Israel Cooperative Program (based in the USA), the Israeli Center for Third Sector, Shefa-Amr Municipal
ity and Tel Aviv University, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Dutch, Norweigan and church groups."
Relevant Articles:
The Galilee Society (Vol. 1, No.4)
- Health Development Information and Policy Institute (HDIP)
- Website:
- Established: 1989
- Located in Ramallah
- The HDIP defines itself as “an independent non-profit Palestinian organization…devoted to policy research and planning regarding the Palestinian health care system in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.”
- The HDIP describes its focus as enhancing “coordination and cooperation between the different health care providers in Palestine, particularly that between Palestinian NGOs and the Palestinian Authority,” and notes that it is “devoted to advocating appropriate health and development policies, and to building a democratic Palestinian civil society.”
- The HDIP has “provided consultations to organizations like the WHO, European Community, UNDP, UNICEF, the World Bank and numerous other local and international NGOs.”
- The HDIP employs counterproductive anti-Israel rhetoric, terming the fence being built along the West Bank an “apartheid wall,” in a press conference for a publication entitled “Health and Segregation.” (
- The HDIP also claims on its website that under “Sharon’s plan for the Palestinians, they [the Palestinians] may now be clustered into ghettoes.”
Human Rights Watch - HRW |
- Founded 1988 (originally Helsinki Watch, founded in 1978)
- Based in New York, no permanent Israeli/Palestinian territories representation
- "non-partisan, nonprofit organization, dedicated to promoting and protecting the medical human rights of all resident of Israel and the Occupied Territories....PHR-Israel opposes the subjugation of medical care to political considerations of any kind."
- 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for Campaign to Ban Landmines
- "The hallmark and pride of Human Rights Watch is the even-handedness and accuracy of our reporting. To maintain our independence, we do not accept financial support from any government or government-funded agency. We depend entirely on contributions from private foundations and from individuals like you."
Relevant Articles:
Erased in a Moment (Vol. 1, No.1)
AI and HRW criticize UNCHR (Vol. 1, No.7)
HRW: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back (Vol. 1, No.8)
Human Rights NGOs Distort Israeli Policy (Vol. 1, No.9)
NGOs Condemn Israel for Citizenship Rules (Vol. 1, No.12)
Israel Committee against House Demolitions |
- Extract from Mission Statement: "ICAHD is a non-violent, direct-action group originally established to oppose and resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses in the Occupied Territories."
- Recepient of Ford Foundation Funding
- Montreal-based NGO dedicated to the advancement of the ideals set forth in the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights. The ICHRDD was founded by an Act of the Canadian Parliament
- Receives annually over C$4 million from the Canadian government
- According to its mission statement, the Centre "promotes, advocates and defends the democratic and human rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights. In cooperation with civil society and governments in Canada and abroad, Rights & Democracy initiates and supports programmes to strengthen laws and democratic institutions, principally in developing countries."
Relevant Articles:
ICHRDD (Vol. 1, No.11)
I'lam |
- Founded 2000, based in Haifa, Israel
- Mission: "to develop and empower the Arab media and to give voice to Palestinian issues. This unique center contributes to the development of a plural and unbiased media landscape, which is fundamental for every democracy. I'LAM was established to serve primarily the Palestinian citizens in Israel through the improvement of their mass media system with training, documentation, advocacy, cooperation, and outreach."
- Funded by the New Israel Fund since 2000 and the British Council, Israel
Relevant Articles:
EU Funds for NGOs Misused (Vol. 2, No.1)
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) |
- Founded in Berlin in 1952 and is now based in Geneva
- "dedicated to the primacy, coherence and implementation of international law and principles that advance human rights....What distinguishes the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) is its impartial, objective and authoritative legal approach to the protection and promotion of human rights through the rule of law"
- The International Secretariat is responsible for decision-making, assisted by 97 autonomous national sections and affiliated organizations in 70 countries.
- Membership of sixty jurists representing different legal systems and "efforts in the development, promotion and clarification of international (human rights) standards."
- Major funders include Austria, Finland, Cyprus, Britain, Sweden, the French Prime Minister's office, the Greek minister of justice's office as well as other sources such as Ireland aid and the Tapei bar
- European Human Rights Prize by the Council of Europe and the United Nations Award for Human Rights
Relevant Articles:
Palestinian Affiliates of ICJ (Vol. 1, No.6)
International Solidarity Movement |
- "The International Solidarity Movement is a Palestinian-led movement of Palestinian and International activists working to raise awareness of the struggle for Palestinian freedom and an end to Israeli occupation."
- The organization has been linked to terrorists figures including two suicide bombers of British nationality
- The organization launches regular campaigns that are at times dangerous and there have been cases of its activists being wounded by intervening in the work of soldiers
Relevant Articles:
International Solidarity Movement (Vol. 1, No.6)
Jerusalem Media and Communications Center (JMCC) |
- Jerusalem Based news agency
- Recepient of $365,000 in Ford Foundation funding.
- Close links with many local NGOs that go against their mission statements to pursue anti-Israel political agendas.
Relevant Articles:
Congressional Investigation into Ford Foundation (Vol. 2, No.4)
Relevant Articles:
Congressional Investigation against Ford
Law |
- Founded by a group of Palestinian lawyers in 1990
- "Palestinian Human Rights organization, based in Jerusalem."
- Goals: "promote human rights and further the principles of the rule of law, and to defend Palestinian rights in accordance with international human rights law and United Nations declarations....protect human rights through an intensive program of documenting and following up abuses and through providing legal and financial help to people in need."
- Organizes workshops and conferences "in order to raise human rights awareness and to strengthen community involvement.."
- Produces a journal "to participate in the building of a democratic civil society through bringing human rights issues to the attention of the Palestinian community."
- Active participant at the Durban Conference, playing central role in the steering committee and in pre-conference organizing.
Relevant Articles:
Palestinian Affiliates of ICJ (Vol. 1, No.6)
ISM -- A FALSE LEGACY (Vol. 1, No.6)
Congressional Investigation into Ford Foundation (Vol. 2, No.4)
Medecins du Monde |
- Founded 1986
- Paris-based 'humanitarian medical NGO' Annual budget of 50m EURO. Uses the motto 'There are no right or wrong victims.'
- Annual budget of 50m EURO
- Uses the motto 'There are no right or wrong victims.'
- annual budget of approximately 50 million Euro of which almost 60% comes from private donations and 40% from public sources of financing
Relevant Articles:
'Democide Bombings' (Vol. 1, No.11)
- Website:
- MENGOS is a project of Virtual Activism registered in the US, and its branch Center for Knowledge Society, based in Cairo, Egypt.
- “The Middle East NGOs Gateway Project [MENGOS] is an Internet gateway containing information about non-governmental organizations, funding agencies, events, projects, success stories of individuals as well as organizations, and other topics relevant to nongovernmental organizations across the Arab Middle East.”
- “MENGOS is a gateway that encourages networking among civil society organizations in the Arab Middle East, and is committed to harnessing the potential of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for sustainable and equitable development and for the promotion of human rights and democracy. MENGOS enables the sharing of information, experiences and resources to help highlight initiatives that reduce poverty, empower people, and promote democracy and human rights.”
- MENGOS does not have an “Israel” category in its country section.
· MENGOS links abrasive anti-Israel articles on its website – featuring HDIP’s report entitled “Health and Segregation, which refers to the security fence Israel is building along the West Bank as an “Apartheid Wall.”
Miftah |
- Founded 1999
- Based in Jerusalem
- "The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue & Democracy"
- "Independent institution committed to fostering the principles of democracy and effective dialogue based on the free and candid exchange of information and ensure democratic practice, the rule of law and respect for human rights."
- Founders and Board of Trustees include, Hanan Ashrawi, Edward Said, Azmi Bishara, Khalil Jahshan, President of the National Association of the Arab Americans
Relevant Articles:
The Anti-Israel Agenda of MIFTAH
(Vol. 1, No.2)
Amnesty's Latest Report Grossly Unbalanced (Vol. 2, No.1)
New Israel Fund |
- Founded in 1979
- NIF works in three areas: fighting for civil and human rights and promoting religious tolerance and pluralism and closing the social and economic gaps in Israeli society.
- NIF has granted over $120 million to more than 700 organizations in Israel
- To complement its grant-making, the New Israel Fund established Shatil (seedling in Hebrew) in 1982 to provide technical assistance and training to Israel's social change organizations. As a capacity-building center for grassroots organizations, Shatil provides tools that empower its clients to improve their lives and communities and build institutions to promote long-term social change
- Major beneficiaries analyzed by NGO Monitor include the Arab Human Rights Association, Hamoked, and I'lam - The Media Center for Palestinians in Israel.
Relevant Articles:
Ford - NIF Partnership (Vol.2, No.3)
EU Funds for NGOs Misused (Vol. 2, No.1)
Correspondence with NIF (Vol. 1, No.12)
Hamoked Annual Report (Vol.1, No.10)
Police Discrimination Against Arab Citizens? (Vol.1, No.1)
Oxfam Belgium |
- "Oxfam International is a confederation of 12 organizations working together in more than 100 countries to find lasting solutions to poverty, suffering and injustice."
- "We seek to help people organize so that they might gain better access to the opportunities they need to improve their livelihoods and govern their own lives. We also work with people affected by humanitarian disasters, with preventive measures, preparedness, as well as emergency relief."
- "...High-level research and lobbying aiming to change international policies and practices in ways which would ensure that poor people have the rights, opportunities and resources they need to improve and control their lives."
- "...Foster a sense of global citizenship."
Relevant Articles:
Oxfam Belgium produces political poster (Vol. 1, No.9)
The position of Oxfam, Belgium (Vol. 1, No.11)
Palestine Children's Welfare Fund (PCWF) |
- Based in the Gaza Strip
- "Non-political with purely humanitarian aspirations"
- Goals: " improve the living standards of the children of Palestine in the refugee camps inside Palestine. The group aims to provide the children of the refugee camps with better educational opportunities, health facilities and a bright future without violence, hatred and discrimination… The group is a non-political, non-religious enterprise whose aspirations are purely humanitarian…."
- Affiliated with Union of Health Workers Committees in Gaza.
Relevant Articles:
Palestine Children Welfare Fund (Vol. 1, No.10)
Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) |
- Founded in 1995
- "An independent legal body based in Gaza City dedicated to protecting human rights, promoting the rule of law, and upholding democratic principles in the Occupied Palestinian Territories."
- Goals: "To protect human rights and promote the rule of law in accordance with international standards.....To create and develop democratic institutions and an active civil society, while promoting democratic culture within Palestinian society"
- Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations and is an affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists, the Federation Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l'Homme (FIDH), and the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network.
- Recipient of the 1996 French Republic Award for Human Rights.
- Funding from; Ford Foundation, NOVIB Holland, Open Society Fund, USA, Christian Aid, UK, CAW Social Justice Fund, Canada, Dan Church Aid, Denmark, Grassroots International, USA (covered in NGO Monitor #3), the European Commission, the Royal Danish Representative Office, Representative Office of Norway and Ireland Aid.
Relevant Articles:
Palestinian Affiliates of ICJ (Vol. 1, No.6)
Physicians for Human Rights PHR-Israel |
- Founded 1988 (international PHR founded 1986)
- Based in Israel
- An Alliance of Science and Conscience
- "...non-partisan, nonprofit organization, dedicated to promoting and protecting the medical human rights of all resident of Israel and the Occupied Territories…PHR-Israel opposes the subjugation of medical care to political considerations of any kind..."
- Member of the International Federation of Health and Human Rights Organizations
- Funders include the EU, Finnish Embassy, Church Organizations, private donations
Relevant Articles:
Pictures Can Distort a Thousands Words(Vol. 1, No.1)
Palestinian NGO Network |
- Established in September 1993
- Palestinian NGO umbrella organization comprising 92 Palestinian NGO member organizations
- "PNGO is guided by the network’s clear mission, where the national, developmental roles of NGOs go alongside with the building of a Palestinian democratic, civil society based on social justice, the sovereignty of law, and the respect of human rights."
- Produces 3 publications; Palestine Monitor, Palestine Observatory's, GIPP, Grassroots International Protection for the Palestinian People
- Recepient of hundreds of thousands of dollars in Ford Foundation money
- Instrumental in producing many of the preparatory documents for the Durban 2001 conference including the document calling for embargoes on Israel.
Relevant Articles:
Congressional Investigation against Ford
- "Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation"
- Founded 2000
- Claims to be a "non-political organization founded to provide support to young Palestinians"
- UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, chose the NGO as "a major strategic partner in Palestine
- Additional financial support comes from the International Red Cross and various European groups such as the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, (which in turn is supported by the German government).
- PYALARA is also an officially registered NGO at the Palestinian Ministry of Interior Affairs and works closely with the Palestinian Ministry of Education, Ministry of Information, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Palestinian Universities and Colleges and a wide national network of schools.
- Has a strong ideological agenda which undermines the positive aspects of its work
- A section on its website entitled Dear World reveals a covert justification for suicide bombing.
- Has a strong ideological agenda which undermines the positive aspects of its work.
Relevant Articles:
UNICEF Funds Political Activities(Vol. 1, No.7)
Rabbis for Human Rights |
- Founded in 1988
- Membership includes some ninety ordained rabbis, plus a number of rabbinic students
- Claims to have no affiliation with any political party or ideology. Its members are Israeli citizens
- Missions talks of foreign workers, the Israeli health care system, the status of women, Ethiopian Jews, an Israeli bill of rights, to name only a few issues.
- Receives Ford Foundation funding
Relevant Articles:
Rabbis for Human Rights (Vol. 1, No.8)
Save the Children Fund |
- SCF (UK) along with the International SCF Alliance have an annual income of almost $700m and are active in over 100 countries, including the Palestinian Authority.
- The SCF movement promotes themselves as an educational resource center for teachers and educators who often lack an in-depth knowledge
- SCF has succeeding in securing global fundraising relationships with American Express, from whom SCF has received more than $1m from card members who have donated points from the American Express loyalty program. This program runs in Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA and the UK. Other global partners include Serco Group plc and the Boston Consulting Group, Ikea, Diner's Club, Royal Doulton and the SAS group,
The Edmond J Safra Philanthropic Foundation donated $1.5 million. The rest of SCF's funding comes from appeals and donations, legacies, volunteer branches, retail income and trusts and legacies.
Relevant Articles:
Save the Children Fund's Eye to Eye Project(Vol. 11, No.1)
Terre des Hommes |
- Founded 1959 in Lausanne (Switzerland). Subsequently, other Terre des Hommes groups were created in various countries. In 1966, they joined together to form the International Federation Terre des Hommes.
- Mission: "to work for the rights of the child and to promote equitable development without racial, religious, cultural or gender-based discrimination."
- Supports 806 development project in 66 countries, claims to have 6470 volunteers
- On average more than 75% of global budget come from private funding. Total budget: US$ 44,443,287
- Ard el Atfal is the Tdh local partner in the Hebron district
Relevant Articles:
EU Funds for NGOs Misused (Vol.2, No.1)