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NGO Monitor Analysis (Vol. 1 No. 3) 11 February 2003

Has the Canadian government been funding terrorists for years?

In a recent National Post editorial, the paper noted that government officials "met secretly last March to discuss whether some of their overseas projects put them in violation of Ottawa's new Anti-terrorism Act, which makes it a crime to fund terrorist groups." Nonetheless, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) representatives continue to avoid applying strict scrutiny to prospective beneficiaries. The Post scrutinized CIDA and discovered that the department "time and again failed to adequately scrutinize the groups they collaborate with in world hotspots, especially the Middle East." CIDA recipients include Human Concern International and the International Development and Relief Foundation, fronts for the Global Relief Foundation, an organization that is suspected of laundering money for al-Qaeda and whose founder is in American law enforcement custody.
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