NGO Monitor Analysis (Vol. 2 No. 7) 15 March 2004
Ford Foundation NGO Policy - Update
On July 15, 2003, NGO Monitor published the first
analysis on "The Ford Foundation's NGO-Related Middle East Activities.",
drawing particular attention to the NGOs funded by Ford that engage
in blatantly political anti-Israel activities. As noted, the Ford
funded NGOs played a major role in the anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist
literature used at the NGO Forum that eclipsed the World Conference
against Racism held in Durban during 2001.
This article, and Edwin Black's exposes published by the JTA led
U.S. Congressmen Jerrold Nadler and Senator Rick Santorum to launch
an investigative review of the Ford Foundation's policies regarding
such NGO's.
In response, Ford Foundation President Susan V. Berresford initiated
a review and declared that it would act to ensure that funds no
longer went to "groups that promote or condone bigotry or violence,
or that challenged the very existence of legitimate, sovereign states
like Israel." (
Recent Developments
December 2003:
Berresford pledged to immediately halt funding the Palestinian Society
for the Protection of Human Rights (LAW). (The decision to stop
funding LAW was taken as four European countries and the European
Union filed a criminal complaint against a LAW official for misusing
donor funds.) (
January 6, 2004:
The JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) reported that the Ford Foundation
had hired Stuart Eizenstat, (a former Clinton official with ties
to the Jewish community), to "help promote a new policy forbidding
grant recipients from supporting terrorism or bigotry." (
January 15, 2004:
NGO Monitor published an analysis
of "Habitat International Coalition's Anti-Israel Agenda", noting
that, like LAW, this Ford funded NGO uses the human rights designation
to pursue an anti-Israeli political agenda.
In response, Ford
announced a review of funding for the HIC.
Additional Action Essential
The cessation of financial support for LAW and the review of funding
to the HIC is an encouraging step. Nevertheless, it is essential
for the Ford Foundation to review the funding of other NGOs active
in the Middle East, in order to fulfill the pledge to halt funding
to groups that promote or condone bigotry or violence, or that challenge
"the very existence of legitimate, sovereign states like Israel."